• Encomium Transcendental audio posted

    I have posted a studio realization of my short piano piece Encomium Transcendental. It was written for pianist Shiau-uen Ding as a brief tribute to the wonderful Transcendental Etudes of pianist-composer Franz Liszt. The score is available on my SCORES page. Enjoy!

  • New Audio Player

    Due to the December 2020 end-of-life date for Adobe Flash Audio Player I have updated my website audio player to Audio Album by CUBECOLOUR. You will find the player by clicking on the LISTENING ROOM link. I have tested the new player on various browsers and operating systems and the only minor issue I have …

  • sabbatical update

    It has been a while since I posted due to the crazy times we now find ourselves dealing with. The sabbatical has gone well. I added two new projects. One is the audio rescue/restoration for the dialogue of the short independent film Madhouse. Somehow the audio files were mixed up and I edited the audio …

  • Sabbatical projects underway

    I was awarded a sabbatical from Winthrop University for the spring semester of 2020. For my friends who are not in academia, this means that I am relieved of teaching and administrative duties so I can focus on composing music (aka scholarship and creative activity). I have two projects planned, a new piece for choir …