silence in forty-two premiere update and pics

The premiere for Silence in Forty-Two went very very well. This is my second premiere since January of this year with at least two more scheduled between now and June 2015 (look for a post on this soon…). Baritone Jeff McEvoy sang wonderfully and pianist Tomoko Deguchi played brilliantly as usual. The concert was well attended and the piece was well received by the audience. The author of the text, Dustin M. Hoffman was in attendance and gave a very insightful pre-concert talk on the background of his story Silence in Forty-Two as well as the process of adapting the story for me to set to music. I think we make a great team and I look forward to many more collaborations with Dustin.

Pics… left to right: 1) Tomoko Deguchi and Jeff McEvoy 2) Dustin M. Hoffman, Tomoko Deguchi, and Jeff McEvoy 3) Me, Dustin, Tomoko, and Jeff

JeffTomoko DustinTomokoJeff all

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